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Tempered Glass Baseus Screen Protector Diamond for Samsung A33

Preces ID:1169125
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Tempered Glass Baseus Screen Protector Diamond for Samsung A33

Want to properly protect your phone? Meet the Baseus tempered glass - the perfect protection for your smartphone. Extremely thin, but extremely durable, it provides excellent protection while maintaining the full functionality of your device. It makes it easy to use, does not leave fingerprints, and installation takes only a few moments.


Perfect protection

Baseus tempered glass is the perfect protection for your smartphone. It provides excellent impact resistance thanks to a unique spiderweb-like structure that effectively absorbs shocks, minimizing the risk of damage to the screen during a fall. Extremely durable, wear-resistant and scratch-resistant protects your phone from everyday scratches. It offers long-lasting protection without sacrificing image quality or touch sensitivity, offering the perfect compromise between safety and comfort.


Thoughtful design

Baseus tempered glass is characterized by exceptional clarity and high light transmission, which guarantees flawless, vivid colors and sharpness of the displayed image. The super-thin design does not affect the comfort of the phone, while ensuring smooth and uninterrupted response to touch controls. Perfect fit to the screen and compatibility with the case are other advantages of this product. The tempered glass has been coated with a special coating that prevents fingerprints and allows you to conveniently unlock your phone with a facial scan.


Manufacturer Baseus
Manufacturer code P60057407203-04
Compatibility Samsung A33


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Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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