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Sink Teka Flexlinea RS15 50.40

Preces ID:1109772
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 1 prece(s)
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24 mēnešu garantija

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Preču atgriešana 14 dienu laikā

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High quality 3-in-1 installation type sink Teka!
RS15 Sinks offers a clean design that embodies modernity. The integrated manufacturing process stands for environmentally friendly and efficient production. All the product range comes with a lifetime warranty and the new SilentSmart system. In addition, the RS15 Collections sinks range is recognized by its flexible installation: undermount, top , flush, inset, or even lay on.
Flexibility is one of the main priorities for Teka and that's why this new range has been developed. It offers a wide variety of different sink compositions and all of them come with overflow and squared waste, to offer a look according to current trends, along with the easy-cleaning radius 15. A sink you can install in all kinds of countertops thanks to its triple mount installation option: undermount, top mount of flush mount.
Are the kitchen sinks one source of irritating noise that affects your family? Don't worry, The SilentSmart sinks feature a design with a low-noise component to make them extremely quiet. The sound-dampening pads are their best partner. They, together with their special distribution, can reduce noise when waterfalls during operation, ensuring your comfort and convenience all day.


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Kredīta ņēmēja vecums: no 20 līdz 76 gadiem;
Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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