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USB Cable Type-C / HDMI / 4K / 2m Joyroom SY-20C1 (gray)

Preces ID:1110481
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 940 prece(s)
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USB Type C / HDMI / 4K / 2m Joyroom SY-20C1 (gray) cable

The cable allows you to conveniently transmit video between USB-C-enabled devices and displays, using an HDMI connector. The product is distinguished by its robust design, and its USB-C connector is curved at a 90° angle, so you can comfortably play a game on your phone while enjoying 4K quality video on the big screen. The cable provides wide compatibility and will successfully support laptops, tablets and phones from well-known manufacturers.


High quality workmanship

The cable is made of copper, which is characterized by high conductivity and ensures smooth transmission without interference. The core of the cable has a 4-layer protection, which makes the cable resistant to wear and tangle-free. What's more, the connectors are coated with a layer of 24K gold, which positively affects the signal quality and durability of the product.


Reliable performance

The Joyroom SY-20C1 provides lightning-fast data transmission and supports images in 4K, so you get clear, noise-free images along with excellent sound quality, with no lag or distortion. With Joyroom, cinema in your home is at your fingertips!

Manufacturer Joyroom
Model SY-20C1
Name Type C to HDMI 4K cable
Function audio & video transmission
Parameters 4K/60Hz
Connector type Type-C/HDMI
Material Aluminum alloy + braided cable
Length 2m


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Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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