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(Ir veikalā) Gosund SW9 Nitebird Smart light switch

Preces ID:888786
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 452 prece(s)
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High compatibility 

The Gosund SW9 light switch allows the user to control the lighting in his home by voice, thanks to cooperation with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. It offers full freedom to control the light without having to manually run the lights with the switch or use the application. 

Timer/planning function  

A special application provides even more possibilities with 2.4 Ghz transmission. You can, for example, schedule the launch of the selected device at a specific time, so that you will enjoy complete control over the lighting at home without unnecessary extra steps. 

Voice control

You no longer have to get up from the sofa or armchair to turn the light on or off. Thanks to the integration of the switch with Google or Amazon Alexa assistant you will be able to control your devices even more conveniently. All you need is a simple voice command to enjoy exactly the light you want! 

Modern and minimalist design

The double light switch is distinguished not only by its functionality and comfort of use, but also by its modern and minimalistic design. Classic, white color and simple shape make it fit perfectly into almost any arrangement. Elegant design of this advanced device will undoubtedly delight you.  

Control, wherever you are 

The application also enables remote control of the device from any place. Such a solution not only gives the user an extraordinary freedom of control over the lighting in their home, but is also extremely practical. Nothing will limit you anymore - you can easily adjust the operation of your lamps, wherever you are.  



Model SW9
Max. load current 230 V/10A
Voice control Amazon Alexa, Google Home
Community 802,11 b/g/n, 2,4 GHz
Dimensions 14x10x6(cm)

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Ir Rīgas Birojā

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Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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