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Preces ID:1081223
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LightSwitch combines the reliability of professional security systems and a thoughtful user experience. The smart switch from Ajax has a large touch-sensitive panel that can be activated both by tap and contactless – just put your hand less than 15 mm close. A soft backlight helps do this in the dark. With LightSwitch, it's easy to turn on lights and floor lamps, control curtains or blinds, even remotely. LightSwitch is easy to install: it is sized to fit into a standard European socket, does not require a neutral wire and connects to the security system by scanning a QR code. The settings in the app allow you to turn on the lights by schedule, when disarming the security system or in response to an alarm. The switch is available in eight colours, has one-gang, two-gang and two-way versions. LightSwitch is a prefabricated smart light switch. All switch elements are purchased separately. Elements are connected mechanically without the use of tools. There are two LightSwitch formats in the Ajax product line: single and combined. A single LightSwitch consists of two elements: a LightCore relay and a SoloButton touch-sensitive panel. A combined switch consists of several LightCore relays and touch-sensitive panels installed in one frame with the appropriate number of seats. The device is designed for indoor installation only. A professional electrician should install a device.

Manufacturer Website:


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