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Bresser Condor 20-60x80 tālskatis

Preces ID:718674
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 1 prece(s)
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The BRESSER Condor spotting scopes are primarily intended for the nature observer and birdwatcher . Thanks to the large 80mm aperture, this instrument is ideal for observation in low light conditions. It collects 44% more light than a device with the same magnification and 60mm opening. The BRESSER Condor spotting scope is equipped with a fully balanced multi-coating for bright images. Together with the waterproof housing and the non-reflecting armouring, nature observers can determine bird species in all weather conditions or wildlife observers can spot game even at long distances.

But also friends of digital photography will find a reliable tool in the Condor series: together with the DSLR adapters 4920002 or 4914911 almost all digital cameras or smartphones can be connected.

Rugged materials
Focus and eyepieces are made of robust metal and thus ensure a long-lasting pleasure with the Condor spotting scope. The rubber armouring is manufactured to ensure a firm grip.

The Condor spotting scopes of Gen. II spotting scopes are all equipped with a high-quality multi-layer coating. This coating ensures better light transmission and therefore provides a bright image even in difficult lighting conditions.

Metal focus wheel
With the BRESSER Condor Gen. II, attention has been paid to high-quality materials. This series already has a robust metal focusing wheel with which the sharpness can be precisely adjusted.

All Condor models are waterproof. This means that you have the best possible companion with you in all weather conditions. Rain or fog do not bother the unit.


  • zoom perspective
  • oblique view
  • fully multi-coated optics
  • waterproof

deliverable scope

  • spective
  • bag for spotting scope


Palielinājums: 20 - 60 x
Увеличение: 20 - 60 x
Magnification: 20 - 60 x
Lēcas diametrs (mm): 80
Диаметр объектива (мм): 80
Objective lense diameter (mm): 80
Stikla materiāls: BaK-4
Стекломатериал: BaK-4
Glass material: BaK-4
Lēcu pārklājums: Pilns, vairākkārtējs
Слой линзы: Полный, многослойный
Optical coatings: Fully, multiple
Patiesais redzes lauks (°): 2.06
Действительное поле обзора (°): 2.06
True field of view (°): 2.06
Redzes lauks uz 1000 m (m): 36
Поле зрения при 1000 м (м): 36
Field of view at 1000 m (m): 36
Krēslas faktors: 40
Сумерки: 40
Twilight factor: 40
Gaismas intenstitāte: 16
Интенсивность освещения: 16
Light intensity: 16
Okulāri briļļu nēsātājiem:
Линзы для носителя: Да
Eyepieces for spectacle wearers:
Tālummaiņas funkcija
Зум Да
Zoom function
Vītņots statīva savienotājs:
Нарезной штатив: Да
Threaded tripod connector:
Водонепроницаемость: Да
Sērija: Condor
Серии Condor
Series: Condor
Korpusa materiāls: Metāls/plastmasa
Материал корпуса: Металл/пластик
Body material: Metal/plastic
Krāsa: Melna
Цвет: Чернить
Colour: Black
Korpusa aizsargslānis: Gumija
Броня корпус: Резинa
Body armouring: Rubber
Svars (kg): 1.542
Вес (кг): 1.542
Weight (kg): 1.542
Izmēri, mm: 420 x 95 x 157
Габариты (мм): 420 x 95 x 157
Dimensions (L x W x H), (mm): 420 x 95 x 157
Garantija: 2 gadi
Гарантия: 2 года
Warranty: 2 years
Сумка для переноски: Да
Carrying bag:
Astronomija: Labi
Астрономия: Xорошо
Astronomy: Good
Dabas novērojumi: Ļoti labi
Наблюдение природы: Oчень хорошо
Nature observation: Very good
Medības: Ļoti labi
Охота: Oчень хорошо
Hunting: Very good
Putnu vērošana: Ļoti labi
Наблюдение за птицами: Oчень хорошо
Bird watching: Very good
Sporta šāvējiem Ļoti labi
спортсмены-стрелки Oчень хорошо
Sporting shooters Very good

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Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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