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Mouse and keyboard combo for IPad/IPhone Omoton KB088 (silver)

Preces ID:1238953
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 36 prece(s)
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Keyboard + mouse set for iPad/iPhone Omoton KB088 (silver).

The Omoton set is an ideal solution for iPad and iPhone users. It includes a compact keyboard with 78 keys and a mouse with adjustable resolution. Both devices connect wirelessly via Bluetooth, making it extremely convenient to use.


Smooth, reliable operation

Discover how the Omoton KB088 keyboard can make your life easier and improve the quality of your daily work! Equipped with 78 keys with scissor switches, it provides extremely smooth operation and fast response time. Their lifespan reaches 3 million clicks, which means that the device will serve you well for a long time. You also have a number of keyboard shortcuts at your disposal, which will allow you, for example, to conveniently adjust the screen brightness and volume.


Precise navigation

The Omoton BM001 mouse is an excellent addition to your kit. With an adjustable resolution ranging from 800 to 1600, you can adjust its performance to suit your needs. Its ergonomic design makes it comfortable to work with, and its advanced sensor guarantees smooth and precise operation.


Pull-out stand

From today you will be able to work even more comfortably, take notes or simply use the Internet. Thanks to a special sliding stand, which the keyboard is equipped with, you will be able to stand your iPad stably. This will not only make you more comfortable, but also save space on your desk! What's more, when you don't need the holder, you can simply fold it up and slide it into the keyboard.



  • keyboard
  • mouse
Manufacturer Omoton
Model KB088+BM001
Color Silver
Connection Wireless
Interface Mouse resolution
800 / 1200 / 1600 Bluetooth
Number of keys (keyboard) 78
Key life (keyboard) 3 million clicks
Keyboard dimensions 286 × 127 x 21 mm
Mouse dimensions 110 × 63 x 23 mm
Designed for iPad, iOS (version 13.1 or later)
Additional information (keyboard) Keyboard shortcuts, pull-out tablet / phone holder


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Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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