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Mechanical gaming keyboard Blitzwolf BW-Mini75 red sw

Preces ID:1166261
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Blitzwolf BW-Mini75 Red Linear Mechanical Keyboard

Blitzwolf BW-Mini75 is a low-profile mechanical keyboard with red linear switches, making typing and gaming a pleasure. It offers three types of connectivity (Bluetooth, 2.4GHz, and USB-C), N-Key Rollover function, macro creation, a durable 1850mAh battery, RGB backlighting, and includes 6 additional switches.

Low Tilt Angle

The compact size and slim profile of the Blitzwolf BW-Mini75 keyboard not only add to its aesthetics but also significantly enhance comfort and ergonomics during use. The low-profile design reduces the tilt angle of the hands while typing, reducing strain and potential tension in the wrists and forearms. This makes typing or gaming on the BW-Mini75 much more enjoyable, even during long hours of continuous use. This is an essential aspect, especially for individuals who spend a lot of time at the computer, as it ensures comfort and supports health and well-being during daily use.

Advanced Features for Gamers and Professionals

With the N-Key Rollover feature, the Blitzwolf BW-Mini75 keyboard registers every keypress, regardless of how many keys are pressed simultaneously. This is an ideal solution for gamers who require precision in fast key combinations. The macro creation function simplifies repetitive tasks by allowing you to shorten key sequences into a single press.

Durable Battery

The 1850mAh battery ensures that the keyboard is ready for use whenever the user needs it. The BW-Mini75 doesn't require frequent recharging.

Durability and Quality Materials

The Blitzwolf BW-Mini75 keyboard is equipped with high-quality PBT keycaps, ensuring durability and comfortable use. Resistance to wear and shine ensures that the keyboard will look new for a long time.

Package Contents

Keyboard x 1

Additional switches x 6

USB-C cable x 1

Keycap puller x 1

Manual x 1

SwitchesRed, linear
Number of Keys84
Battery Capacity1850mAh
Dimensions314 x 132 x 22mm
ConnectivityUSB-C, Bluetooth, 2.4GHz


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Kredīta ņēmēja vecums: no 20 līdz 76 gadiem;
Aizdevuma summa: no 100 EUR līdz 7000 EUR;
Aizdevuma termiņš: no 6 līdz 60 mēnešiem;
Pirmā iemaksa ir 10%, ja preces cena pārsniedz 1400 eur;
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