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Lean Cars Audi R8 Spyder Blue - Electric Ride On Car

Preces ID:1170619
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 19 prece(s)
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Audi R8 Spyder Electric Ride On Car – Blue

Audi R8 Spyder is a car which can be known from many movies and computer games – it is safe to say, that almost everyone knows it! Its name comes from the early prototype: Le Mans Audi R8 – the goal of Le Mans competition was to complete as many laps in 24 hours. R8 Spyder is quite a sport car, but driving its Electric Ride-On version will definitely be a great, comfortable fun.

Miniaturized version of Audi R8 is inspired by roadster, and due to that fact it has double chair, open roof and sport design. Just like an original, R8 Electric Ride-On has great looking front lights, tinted windshield and massive, big grill.

Our Electric Ride-On version of Audi R8 Spyder is able to ride at 3-5 km/h, thanks to two engines, 45W each, and two 6V4,5Ah batteries. Furthermore, the car has automatic trasmission, and because of that fact has 3 different driving speeds, so you little driver is able to choose his own perfect speed. This model of car is fully charged after 8 hours of charging and has relatively low weight – 10,5 kg. Because of that, you can take R8 Spyder with you everywhere, so you child can enjoy driving it at the holiday or at granparents' place. 

This Audi R8 Electric Ride-On has a lot of conveniences which make it safer and more comfortable to drive it. Inside of a car you can find a double couch made of ecoleather with seat belt. In the fron part of a car you can find steering wheel with horn, and the dashboard has blue lights on it – you can find an imitation of speedometer here as well. Inside of a car you can also find something, that will definitely give you and your child a lots of fun when driving the Audi R8 Electric Ride-On Car – Music Panel! You can use this music panel as FM radio or plug in USB Flash Drive to play your own music!

Audi R8 Spyder Electric Ride-On Car is certified with CE, which guarantees, that this car fullfils the requirements of EU's “New Approach”. All elements of R8 Spyder are made of certified and safe materials, what makes this car safe and sturdy. Audi R8 is placed on EVA Wheels which are much more efficent than plastic ones and allow your child to drive on lots of types of surfaces.

According to user manual, licensed Audi R8 Electric Ride-On car should be used by children older than 3 years. If your child is an enthusiast of cars since birth, you can drive instead of it! With 2.4G remote control you are able to drive R8 Spyder like RC Car!

Box size: 100 x 53 x 31 cm
Weight: 13,5 kg


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