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Adjustable Laptop Stand Omoton L2 (rose-gold)

Preces ID:1238952
Piegādātāja noliktavā: 9 prece(s)
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L2 Omoton adjustable laptop stand (rose gold)

Ensure maximum comfort while using your laptop! Omoton stand will allow you to forget about neck and shoulder pain during many hours of work in front of the laptop screen. It impresses with its solid construction, and its installation will not be a challenge for you. It works with laptops with a screen diagonal of 10-16 inches.


Compatible with many devices

No matter what kind of laptop you are using, Omoton stand will give you the comfort you dream of while working! The stand is distinguished by its compatibility with laptops with diagonal screen sizes in the range of 10-16 inches. You will successfully use it with a MacBook, Lenovo ThinkPad or Chromebook. However, that's not all! Thanks to its carefully considered design, the accessory effectively dissipates heat, preventing your device from overheating.


Bet on durability

The accessory is made of high-quality aluminum alloy, which provides incredible strength and resistance to wear and tear. Thanks to its sturdy design, it is able to support devices up to 5 kg! Rubber pads protect your laptop from scratches and reduce the risk of it slipping off the stand. So you can be sure that your laptop is safe!


Take it with you

Do you often use your laptop at the university or library? Or do you use it at work? Take the Omoton stand with you and enjoy unparalleled convenience, no matter where you are! The L2 model weighs about 739 g and impresses with its compact design. Its installation will not be a problem for you - if necessary, you can easily disassemble it and put it in your backpack!


Increase your comfort at work

Discover a new level of comfort! The stand will allow you to say goodbye to persistent neck and shoulder pain once and for all - all thanks to its ergonomic design. The L2 model will allow you to place your laptop perfectly at eye level, which will help you maintain the correct body position while working. Plus, you can use the space underneath the laptop to store a wireless keyboard or graphics tablet!

Manufacturer Omoton
Model L2
Color Pink-gold
Material Aluminum alloy
Maximum load 5 kg
Weight Approximately 739 g
Dimensions Approximately 255 x 200 x 140 mm
Compatibility Laptops with a diagonal of 10-16″


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